How to use this online platform
Ning platforms present a fairly user-friendly way for its members to share information in diverse forms. We adapted the possibilites being offered by Ning to suit the purposes of our aims and the needs of our members.
The Main page provides a lot of basic information as well as latest additions to the platform.
You can find all the categories and subcategories in the tabs on top of the page. The tabs on top as well as the box with you profile controls (Inbox, Alerts, Friends, Settings) in the right-hand-side column are visible and accessible on any page within ICEnet platform.
About ICEnet – About aims and objectives and rationale behind the ICEnet project and the related online platform.
Founding partners – List, descriptions and contact details of the organisations behind ICEnet.
Contacts – List of various contact options.
Forum Vilnius 2013 – Basic information about the International Creative Practitioners Forum that took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 22–24 May 2013.
Videos and photos – Selected photos and video interviews from the Forum (not updated any more); all can be found as part of Multimedia/Photos and Multimedia/Videos, respectively.
Participants – List and biographies of participants.
TRaKSforA (Leonardo) – Basic information about the “Training Requirements and Key Skills for Artists and other creative practitioners to work in participatory settings“ (TRaKSforA) Leonardo partnership of ICEnet founding and partner organisations.
Members – List of all the members with an access to their profile pages.
Groups – List of all the groups created, public or private. You can also create a new group, based on a topic/geographical area/art form/other; this will be subject to approval by our editorial team.
Ask ICEnet – Part of the discussion forum where you can get advice on hands-on problems and challenges you face in your creative educational practice from experienced practitioners.
Photos – List of all the items published; possibility to sort by tags. You can add a new photo through the Photos page, Main page as well as through your profile page, by uploading a photo from your computer or linking to one existing on the Internet; possibility to add tags and a description.
Videos – List of all the items published; possibility to sort by tags. You can add a new video through the Videos page, Main page as well as through your profile page, by uploading a video from your computer or linking to one existing on the Internet by means of inserting its embed code (this can be obtained from videos on YouTube, Vimeo and others via the function of Copy embed code or similar); possibility to add tags and a description.
Events – List of all the items published; possibility to sort by date or type of event. You can add a new event through the Events page, Main page as well as through your profile page. Possibility to make the event public/private, with or without people confirming attendance through RSVP. Adding a new event is subject to approval from our editorial team.
Grants and Competitions – Part of the discussion forum devoted to interesting offers and calls by ICEnet members or shared from other sources.
Looking for Partners – Part of the discussion forum devoted to calls for co-operation on projects.
Blogs – List of all the items published; possibility to sort by tags. You can add a new blog post through the Blogs page, Main page as well as through your profile page; possibility to use text, pictures, videos, hyperlinks, add tags.
Publications – List of research and other publications suggested by ICEnet founding members and partners; these can be freely accessed online.
Links – A compilation of various organisations and networks in the field of creative/arts education, arts and culture, education, youth and related, and their websites.
Guidelines – Tips on using this platform and making the best of it.
Modifying your profile page, settings
Some of your profile information can be changed directly on your profile page (accessed through Members tab or a link in any of your public activity); the full set of options is available through Settings in your profile controls box on the right-hand side.
Under Profile you can, for instance, change you profile photo or profile information or chose not to display your birthday/age.
Privacy allows you to control Visibility and Moderation of your profile and content (such as who can view your comments or comment on your profile page).
At the moment, most of the content on the platform is publicly accessible to everyone. If you want to share your profile information with other signed-in members only, please change your Privacy settings – Visibility to:
My profile page and friends can be viewed by...
You can chose what E-mail notifications you want to receive from ICEnet (that is, whether you would like to receive an e-mail when you get a new message, a group invitation, etc.).
© 2025 Created by Radka Jágriková.
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