Radka Jágriková


Newcastle upon Tyne

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Projects Officer at Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE)
Short bio
I have an academic background in journalism, (new) media, media culture, psychology and sociology of arts and culture, with hands-on experience in informal education and several art forms as well.

I work as Projects Officer at Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE), the international foundation for creative learning and one of the founding partners of ICEnet.

Some of my main professional interests are: how arts, media and creative industries can be employed in participatory settings; creative and innovative approaches to teaching; teaching for creativity (developing children and young people's creative skills); impact of arts and culture and of creative education – formal, non-formal, informal – on the development of the person and their skills for life and work; professional development opportunities for creative practitioners and teachers; amateur arts; educational activities and approaches in cultural institutions; and others.

Full name: Radovana Jágriková

Comment Wall:

  • Irena Sertic


  • Sara Khan

    Thank you :)

    its a glimps of a miniature painting i did last year!