Di Fisher-Naylor


Tyne and Wear

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Director of Programme Development
Short bio
I am Director of Programme Development at Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE), the international NGO responsible for devising and delivering major creative educational programmes for young people. CCE was originally established to manage the Creative Partnerships programme in England, but the scale and impact of the programme – between 2008-2011 it worked in almost 4,000 school and with over ¾ million pupils – attracted considerable international attention. As a result, CCE is now supporting the delivery of programmes modeled on Creative Partnerships in Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Pakistan and Vietnam. Within CCE I leads on programme design and development, professional development for teachers and creative professionals and quality assurance.
My work involves lots of travelling which connects me with like minded organisations and people - all committed to developing the creativity of children and young people.

Comment Wall:

  • Sara Mahmood

    Lovely to hear from you Di,

    Had my first planning meeting yesterday with Habib Public Girls and as open as they were in the last meeting, this time they seemed very very defensive. However, at the end of the two hour meeting, we did make a bit of a break through. I had a conversation with Gemma, and she had some lovely tips for me too, which seemed to do the trick! :) I will find out if they had the effect I 'think' they had. My next meeting with them is tomorrow. Praying for the best! 

    Today, surprisingly I had a lovely meeting with Habib Public Boys. They werent quite to meet with us last time, however, this time the meeting was amazingly a success. I was very happy that they were very positive and cooperative. 

    In my next two meetings with both the schools I will know exactly how to take everything forward. I will be updating you all soon, and would love to know your views too. 



  • Katarína Kalivodová

    Dear Di,

    i was soooooo sorry that i had to run away from last day of seminar in Prag.

    I just want to tell you that it was pleasure for me to learn from you and Claire last week-not only for project but for life. You are great teacher/professional and person and I admire your super, mega extra job!!!! and really hope to meet you again. best regards and so many hughs to you and Claire. Katarína

  • Katarína Kalivodová

    So so many hughs, project in our school will be kicked off next week. I am so excited :) thanks for all your relevant information and creative support. And all the best :) Katarína